Hickory Run 10-21 thru 24-2019 21—23/10/19

Fran at Saylorsville Dam.
One of my favorite holes to fish. I usually get a nice one from this spot. This trip was no exception.
This, being a family trip, included Sunny. She ran, got over heated, then plopped down in a mud puddle. Uck.
But, I still did get some fishing in.
Another spot I've come to enjoy. Hawk Run. There was a huge rainbow in this pool. Don't know how he got there....who knows, maybe he's a "native" (hahahaha)
But there were brookies. Not as many as last time I fished here but still a few.
This is the one I got in Hickory Run. Stream is not stocked in the area I fish but this sure looks like a stocker.
Better pic of the same fish. I'd like to think its a stream bred fish...could be.
Here is were that big 'un was living...and is still living.